The world’s best pyrotechnic ammunition is a synergistic and carefully balanced combination of the highest quality raw materials.
Hirtenberger Defence Systems has many years of experience in the development and manufacture of the most modern pyrotechnic products and has a deep and comprehensive understanding of the manufacture of pyrotechnics. Apart from the procurement of raw materials, the ammunition is developed and manufactured in-house. This knowledge and unrivalled quality assurance make it possible to deliver illumination and smoke ammunition with optimal performance and maximum safety.
Hirtenberger Defence Systems is proud to offer a comprehensive range of the world’s leading pyrotechnic mortar ammunition.
The future of mortar systems is bright – and digital.
The integration of sensors and the use of electronic data to improve performance in range, accuracy and usability of weapons systems is a major game-changer in modern weapon design. By removing the time and effort of calculation, modern mortar systems reduce time-to-fire whilst minimising the risk of error. And of increasing importance in today’s warfare, they enable the integration of the mortar weapon system into modern battle management and command-and-control systems. This demand for digitisation has in part been driven by an increase in fracticides during the Iran and Afghanistan conflicts. Digital communication has led to the broadening of the battlefield, and a growing requirement for commanders to be ‘online’ with all units during battle. Hirtenberger Defence Systems has been applying its extensive mortar knowhow with cutting-edge technology to create mortar systems fit for the future, and already proven to increase accuracy, reduce risk and enhance performance.
Explosives, propellants, and pyrotechnics, commonly known as energetics, are the basis for the functional working principles of a mortar system.
The performance of the fragmenting and pyrotechnic ammunition, as well as all propulsion systems of all mortar bombs are based on the quality of the energetic materials. Working with energetic materials as an integral part of product performance requires great experience and consistency.